Friday, July 23, 2010

Terrible News about the August Trip

As many of you may know I have been planning a bicycle trip to Fukuoka for a while now. It was my intention to leave Hamamatsu on the 8th of August. If only I were a luckier man!! As it turns out, I will have to work on the 9th of August, so I will be tied to Hamamatsu until then.

I was hoping to have a full 8 days available for the trip but now it seems I will have only 6. Even though my time limit has decreased, I am still planning to go ahead with my trip starting out on the 10th.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Getting equipped

Yesterday as I was getting my spoke replaced, I decided to do some
equipment shopping. I bought a new front light, a puncture repair kit,
a portable pump and a bicycle bag that will allow me to take my bike
on trains. All I need now is a few spare spokes and I'll be ready for
the big ride. It has taken a long time to accumulate all the gear but
I'm almost there.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Broken spoke

After 1000+ km, I am finally burdened by my first broken spoke :-(.
Well, my luck had to run out sometime. The spoke was a rear wheel cog
side spoke. I regularly broke these spokes on my old bike but it's
still annoying. I hope it doesn't take too long to repair.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tenryu River ride

Now that Summer is here it's time to do some training for the Kyushu
ride in August. Yesterday, I went for a ride along Tenryu river down
to the dunes of Nakatajima together with my friend Naka.

The ride was cool and relaxing with magnificent views all the way down
the river. On the way we met some fishermen who gave me some tips on
how to land an elusive sea bass. He even gave me a rig with his
recommended configuration. I can't wait to try it out.

The problem of the day occurred while we were crossing the Magome river near the ocean. Suddenly my front light came loose and fell to the ground. In the end we had to tape the light back on to the bike.

We returned to the North through the city. We made a dinner stop at a Sushi bar before saying farewell for the night. Later that night I went to an Onsen. The perfect end to the day. I hope this weather continues so I can have many more rides like today's.